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WOOCS Currency Switcher
Modern Widgets System
Booking Appointment Form
Slider Revolution Plugin
WPBakery - Visual Composer
WooCommerce Plugin
Best Automotive Theme

9 Demo Home Pages

Home Page 1

Home Page 2

Home Page 3

Home Page 4

Home Page 5

Home Page 6

Home Page 7

Home Page 8

Home Page 9

Icons Widget

Reviews Widget

Prices Widget

Posts Widget



Variative Product


Benefits Of The Theme

Unique Pitstop Store Features

We created the theme as convenient as possible while providing maximum functionality.

Full Setting Customize
Ajax Search Products
Customize Filter Products
Ajax Products Wishlist
Ajax Products Compare
Mega Catalog Menu

Customizable Mega Menu

Create a beautiful and convenient mega menu for your customers. You can set your own picture for each section and place an advertising banner in the desired section.

Customizable Ajax Shop Filter

Now the banner is not just a picture, but a tool to influence the buyer. You can specify the duration of the promotion, thereby increasing the number of clicks on the banner.

Ajax Website Search

You will be able to search for products in real time for the desired word and immediately see their prices with the ability to add to the cart.

Quick View Products

ou can quickly see the photo of the product anywhere without opening it. Look at the photo , read the description and study it’s characteristics to place an order.

Compare Auto Parts

Now you can compare products by their characteristics, as well as delete and add new products for comparison.

Customizable Banner System

Now the banner is not just a picture, but a tool to influence the buyer. You can specify the duration of the promotion, thereby increasing the number of clicks on the bo banner.

Convenient Shopping Cart

You will have a convenient goat ajax in which you can not only view all products or delete unnecessary ones, but also change their quantity and calculate their total cost.

Products Wishlist

Now the banner is not just a picture, but a tool to influence the buyer. You can specify the duration of the promotion, thereby increasing the number of clicks on the bo banner.

Full Theme Settings

You get a lot of theme settings in one place. Now it will be convenient for you to connect and disconnect the functions of your store.

Innovative Widget System

You can easily change the appearance of an element with one click and easily change the design of your online store.

Full Customize Filter

You can create any filter and with any number of parameters in your store. It is also possible to sort the required fields and embed a filter anywhere on the theme.

Appointment Booking Plugin

You can organize a convenient booking system for your customers. For example, take the goods to a service center on time or make an appointment with a specific specialist for car repair or maintenance.

We wish you a pleasant use of the theme!

Our support is always happy to suggest or help you.